Top 7 Factors That Impact Cold Roll Wheel Life

CJWinter’s Cold Root Rolling division manufacturers Pin and Box cold roll wheels for both standard connections as well as proprietary connections.  These cold roll wheels can last for several hundreds of connections, but cold

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Continued Success for CJWinter at Houstex 2017

CJWinter highlighted several new products during this year’s 2017 Houstex Convention, which featured hundreds of exhibitors showcasing the latest manufacturing technologies and innovations. Some of CJWinter’s new products include: NEW 11069 Series Internal

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How It Works: Cold Root Rolling

October 2 is Manufacturing Day, a national celebration of modern manufacturing. In honor of the special day, we’re sharing an illustrative “How It Works” guide that offers a step-by-step look

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CJWinter’s Technology Featured on

CJWinter’s technology and cold root rolling tools were recently featured in an article on, a leading engineering publication for engineering content, news and information about the latest technology. The article, titled Cold

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Watch Cold Root Rolling in Action

Companies in the oil and gas industries must consider the service life of their products, especially in relation to costs. At CJWinter, we are well aware of these concerns —

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Featured Author
Tony Key

I am one of the few experienced specialist in the world who has installed hundreds of units through out Mexico, Canada and the United States that understands the process and procedures to accomplish cold root rolling to meet specifications for API thread forms as well as proprietary thread forms on multiple machine tools.

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